Reflections on God's travel guide to my journey back home.

Friday, July 8, 2016


Relationships often seem like a lot of work. Oh, I value them, but they seem so messy. There’s so much history, so many emotions. Most of my feelings about relationships involve some measure of guilt - it seems like I’ve let most people down somewhere along the line. I’m not as good a father and husband and son and friend as I’d like to be.

That’s especially true of my relationship with God. There is no person that I ignore more, offend more, disappoint more than I do God. Sometimes I cringe at the thought of prayer because I know where things stand between us.

That’s why I found Isaiah 1:18 so comforting this morning. That verse reads, "’Come now, let us settle the matter,’ says the Lord. ‘Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.’”

I love this invitation from God to settle things. It acknowledges first of all that things aren’t right. I’ve been petulant, whiny, grumpy, distant. I’ve broken promises and done things I know God hates. God knows this as well as I do, but instead waiting for me to make amends, he just says, “Come.” 

And before I even do that, he promises resolution. He offers forgiveness. He says I’ll be as pure as Jesus in his eyes. How can he say that, before we even begin negotiations or making amends?

He can because he doesn’t expect amends. There’s no way amends could make things right. The only thing God wants is that I come. The fact that I acknowledge my sin and my need is the very thing that gains me the benefit of Christ’s blood.

What a relief! If only my human relationships worked like this - no matter how badly messed up, all I would have to do is make a phone call and all would be forgiven. But maybe the guilt I feel about my earthly relationships is what I need to truly feel grateful about grace. Something more to think about.

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