Reflections on God's travel guide to my journey back home.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


I've been called a control freak. I don't think I really am one - there are a lot of situations and circumstances where I'm pleased to seat back, let someone else drive, and enjoy the ride. But I confess, sometimes when something matters to me, I like to be in control.

It's human nature. That's why we fight so much about politics. It would be a catastrophe, after all, if someone who thinks differently than I do would exert so much control over the future of my country. It's why we fight about worship style. It's why we struggle to follow rules. We don't want to submit. And often, chaos ensues.

That's why, for me, Daniel's vision of the day we all lose control forever is reassuring. Read it in Daniel 7:13-14: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed."

We don't like words like "dominion." We sure don't want to be under someone else's, not even a fellow American who happens to be from another party. But we also can't be trusted overmuch with freedom of choice - we prove that every day. Our inability to subordinate our immediate wants to for a better future for ourselves, much less the good of others, argues against us.

So the idea that Jesus rules, and will rule, and that someday everyone on earth is going to acknowledge this, is one of the most comforting thoughts I have. 

But that begs the question of why I continue to hold out. After all, Jesus rules now, doesn't he? Haven't I pledge him my allegiance? Just because he's being patient, just because he wants to give people more time to meet him and learn to trust him, just because he's holding off exerting his full authority because the harvest isn't complete, all of that doesn't mean he isn't in control.

So why can't I rid my brain of these old ideas that Jesus isn't taking care of business, so I have to? If Jesus really has this, why do I worry? Why do I think my salvation will be found in a law or a rule or freedom from rules? Why am I so sure the future of this country and this world depends on getting one election right?

I've had many a debate about a Christian's responsibility in this election. Isn't it the same as my responsibility every day? Isn't it to look to my Lord, listen to his instructions, and then follow them? Even if all he says is "Trust?" 

Christ shall have dominion. Today, I'm singing that old hymn again. I hope I never forget to.

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