Reflections on God's travel guide to my journey back home.

Friday, June 15, 2018


In my experience, people are either consistent goal-setters or they don’t set goals at all. I’m one of the first kind. The first goal I remember setting was at age 16, and I’ve had goals ever since. I have short-term goals for the year, long-term goals for my life, and mid-term goals that bridge the two.

That means I’ve spent a lot of time considering the purpose of my life and my work, and deciding what are appropriate things to want and work toward. And, as with so many things, Paul put me to shame this morning with just a few verses, from Colossians 2:1-3: “I want you to know how hard I am contending for you and for those at Laodicea, and for all who have not met me personally. My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.”

Paul had a goal, that the Colossians Christians would be encouraged in heart and united in love. In fact, he says he was working hard toward that goal. That verb “contending” suggests resistance, so I imagine Paul not only as a fierce prayer warrior on their behalf, but also as a tireless fighter against all the false preachers in the region.

And there was a reason behind his goal, something that made it worthwhile. The reason was so that they would have the full riches of complete understanding, knowing the God’s greatest mystery (Jesus), who would provide them the hidden treasures of wisdom and knowledge. In other words, Paul wanted them to really know about life, and everything that gives life value.

What’s in it for Paul? Nothing. He already knew Jesus, he already had this treasure. Paul just wanted it for these other Christians; he wanted it bad enough to make it a goal, to fight for it.

You see why Paul puts me to shame? His goals were all about other people. He wanted desperately for others to be saved. He didn’t care where he lived or what he owned or how he dressed. He never thought about retirement. He didn’t even care if he got arrested and thrown in jail. All he wanted was to encourage other Christians and lead them to know Jesus.

I’ve set and achieved some goals in my life that I thought were pretty ambitious. Somehow, today, they don’t seem like much.

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