Reflections on God's travel guide to my journey back home.

Monday, December 28, 2015


Two old people. One, Anna, was a prophet who never left the temple. The other, Simeon, clinging to a promise, was at the temple because the Spirit urged him to be. And both had their patience rewarded, because that was the day Mary and Joseph brought the baby Jesus into the temple for purification rites demanded by Jewish law. You can read about it in Luke 2.

Anna's response was to tell anyone who cared (v38). And Simeon said, 
"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,
you may now dismiss your servant in peace.
For my eyes have seen your salvation,
which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:
a light for revelation to the Gentiles,
and the glory of your people Israel." (v29-32)

" . . . a light for revelation to the Gentiles . . . " Simeon, the old Jew waiting for the Jewish Messiah, speaks first of the Gentiles, those "others" who were outside the covenant. Of me. His thanksgiving prayer was, in part, for my salvation! Jesus would be the Messiah for the Jews, to be sure, but even more so, he would save millions who weren't even looking for a savior. He would include in the covenant of Abraham any who listened and believed, including a long line of Dutch Calvinists who eventually became my church in North America. 
Simeon had seen everything he was promised, and was content with that. Chances are good he was dead before Jesus started his ministry, but that's OK; Simeon knew.
Just like I know about Jesus' return, not yet happened but certain anyway. Simeon and Anna is a great role models of the kind of patient, faithful waiting I am to live with every day. Simeon, longing for the day. Anna, quick to bring the good news to others. Me, sometimes that way, but too often focused on my own worldly kingdom. 
Live like Simeon and Anna. What a New Year's resolution that would be!

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