Reflections on God's travel guide to my journey back home.

Monday, March 14, 2016

no failure

It’s been a long couple of months reading of the journey of the Israelites from famine-stricken Canaan to Egypt, into and out of slavery, and through the desert. But, at the end of Joshua 21 they’re home and settled, and we read this: “Not one of all the Lord's good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” Joshua 21:45 45

This is why I love reading the Old Testament. God did mighty things then, and God doesn’t change. He’s the same good God, and not one of all of his promises to me has failed; every one has been fulfilled.

My journey has been more experiential than geographic. It meanders from Christian schools to Basic Training, from a college experience I didn’t enjoy (no fault to the college) through a series of jobs that were practical but not loved, into and out of military operations, some of which were training and some weren’t. At the end of it all, my faith and my body and my mind have all been challenged, and show the scars to prove it.

That makes it sound like a hard life; it isn’t. There were some hard things, but my childhood sweetheart grew into the woman of my dreams and together we have two kids who turned into amazing adults. I turned out to be a pretty good soldier, got promoted, and had a chance to make a difference in some hard places. God also led me to the top levels of our business and put me in a place where in addition to working for a company that does good in the world, I can do good for people every day.

All of God’s promises held. His promise to go with me, to never leave me. His promise to work all things together for my good. His promise to never let me be tempted unless there was also a way out. His promise to love eternally and forgive endlessly. His promise to make me more like Him every day I spend close to him. His promise that each day I will have everything I need to live, and to live obediently.

So I know that the other promises, the ones not yet seen, are just as sure. I can live victoriously, even though some days don’t feel like victory. Not once has God ever failed his people. It just can’t happen.

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