Reflections on God's travel guide to my journey back home.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

affecting God

OK, here’s another one of those mysteries I wrote about a couple weeks ago: why does God care about my life?

The way Job’s friend Elihu puts that question is this, in Job 35:6-7: “If you sin, how does that affect him? If your sins are many, what does that do to him? If you are righteous, what do you give to him, or what does he receive from your hand?”

I can’t do a single thing to add to God’s power or love or holiness. He doesn’t depend on me for happiness, he doesn’t require me to defend him or do his work. There’s nothing I can bring him that he needs.

So why does he care so much about me that he wants a relationship? Elihu asks what it does to God if I sin all the time - scripture teaches that my sin grieves Him, it makes Him sad. And, to answer Elihu’s other question, God has also revealed himself to be gladdened when I obey; in fact, that’s my best way of honoring him. Why? After all my unfaithfulness, why does he continue to pursue me?

I shouldn’t matter any more to God than the ants in my yard matter to me. It’s not like God gains strengths from his worshippers; He doesn’t become less just because so many in the world turn their backs on him. Elihu’s questions are good ones, things I wonder about a lot. 

It’s a mystery, but I’m glad God baffles me in this way. I’m glad that all the limits and drama of my earthly relationships don’t apply to the love he has for me. I don’t understand it, but oh how I appreciate it. In the end, it’s the only real hope I have.

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