Reflections on God's travel guide to my journey back home.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

true leadership

The topic of leadership is a big deal these days, with a whole industry devoted to providing books and seminars that teach good leadership techniques. I’m often amused when some supposedly new concept comes out that I’ve been reading about for years in the Bible.

“Servant leadership” is a current buzzword in business, and it’s counter-intuitive. Most folks think of bosses as the ones with power and perks, the ones who can do what they want and get to order other people to do what they want. It’s generated a lot of chatter.

But this morning I read about the Queen of Sheba’s visit to Solomon. She was amazed by him, and said, “Praise be to the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on the throne of Israel. Because of the Lord 's eternal love for Israel, he has made you king to maintain justice and righteousness." (1 Kings 10:9)

It couldn’t be any more plain: Leaders are raised up not for their own benefit, but for the good of the led. And that good comes in two ways. The people are given justice, and led into righteousness. Servant leadership, it turns out, was the original template for leadership. This new idea is actually centuries old.

The Queen of Sheba realized that leaders are really supposed to make sure everyone has the same opportunities as everyone else, and that everyone is treated fairly. That’s justice. Leaders also are supposed to create an environment where the people are encouraged to obey God’s laws, and to model that for their people. That’s righteousness.

It’s interesting to evaluate our national leaders using the Queen of Sheba’s standards of justice and righteousness. But it’s more important for me to look at myself. At various times and places I’m responsible to lead others. In fact, any person can lead in any situation, because true leadership is more about influence than authority. 

When I’m with others, am I promoting justice and righteousness, or am I more focused on promotions and profits? Am I working to build my own empire, or God’s kingdom?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Greg. Once again your words remind me that we, and by that I mean everyone, live the way God intends, our lives will be better in so many ways. Servant leadership isn't really a new idea or a human idea. It's the way God created leadership to happen. Thanks, too, for reminding me that I can lead in many ways and I need to work for justice and righteousness as I do so. It's not just the "bosses" of the world who lead.
